The Nowhere Series is a series of 12 Black and White Images designed to tap into the anxious feeling that nearly all people have had at some point in their life, "Where am I going in life?" Many of the images consist of large symmetrical scenes that extend outward concluding at a single vanishing point. Likewise all the images feature a combination of one or all of these visual elements: Concrete, Metal, Water, and Light. This simple approach to composition, and visual similarity between images, create a first person perspective in which the viewer is often towered over by different man made structures. Some perspectives feature apathetic columns and indifferent roadways. While others place the viewer in the shadow of a large tower or the belly of a hopeless tunnel. similarly in life man made systems, institutions, and corporations tower over a single individual.
It is the hope of the author that at least one of the images will connect with the onlooker on a deep subconscious level thereby giving that one the opportunity to have an introspective look at his life and circumstance.
As it is now the series is incomplete there are still two more images left.